Sunday, July 25, 2010

MCOBA: Let other Malaysians in, too

MCOBA: Let other Malaysians in, too

IT is very heartening to read of a non-Malay being inducted as a member of the Malay College Old Boys' Association (Mcoba), an exclusive all-Malay alumni group ("MCKK old boys enrol first non-Malay" -- NST, Dec 14).

But can we really assume that the perception that racism rules the daily lives of Malaysians has been utterly quashed by this single act, as the report claims? I wonder, though I will concede that it is certainly a good first step that must be emulated in the search for 1Malaysia. In that respect, there is still a lot more to be done, especially in our institutions of higher learning.

First, the Malay College Kuala Kangsar might consider another step forward by opening its doors to non-Malay Malaysian students, thus showing that we are indeed serious and sincere in wanting to make 1Malaysia a reality.

No higher learning institution should be monopolised by one race. Having a good mix of Malaysians should be the norm. If MRSM (Maktab Rendah Sains Mara) can open their doors to other races, I don't see why MCKK or UiTM (Universiti Teknologi Mara) cannot follow suit.

If, after 52 years of independence, UiTM still feels uneasy about admitting students of other races in Malaysia, something is surely very wrong. Furthermore, if it can open its doors to foreign students, it does not make sense that fellow Malaysians are deprived of the educational opportunities the university offers.

Similarly, students from vernacular schools need to be given the chance to study with others at boarding schools (Sekolah Menengah Sains) so that they will learn to live with all the communities that make up Malaysia.

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